Group Consciousness

Relationships, Spirituality, Transformation

In discussions on group consciousness, the story of “100 Monkeys” that were studied on the island of Koshima in Japan between 1952 and 1958 frequently is a primary example. It’s said scientists there had dropped sweet potatoes in the sand to supplement the diet of the indigenous monkeys. When the monkeys picked the potatoes up to eat, the yams were covered in sand. At first, the monkeys ate the food, sand and all. Then one day, an enterprising monkey decided to wash the sand off before consuming the food, and found the potato tasted much better minus the sand. Soon, other monkeys within the troop started to wash the sand off of their potatoes before eating the vegetable. [continue reading…]


Our Authentic Self – Kintsugi Style


This is a continuation of messaging excerpts (in an ongoing series) from the Transformative Studies Program offered by The Intelligent Optimist.

A.C. While I love the circular/cyclical/spiral nature of learning and teaching, enlightened and enlightening… I sometimes forget the essence of that nature and give in to fears (of failure, success, exposure, lack of support or love, etc.)… what I’m coming to now is that a firm knowledge basis and eagerness/continued curiosity provide confidence that allows a letting go and a way to not know that can feel safe. [continue reading…]




This is the first in what I expect will be a category I infrequently, perhaps even rarely, post to. It is not anywhere close to the message I created The Magic Of Imagination for, but it’s topics, experiences and/or tips and clarifications I feel are important. Because the posts will be so varied and multi-faceted, I’m calling it ScatterShooting. [continue reading…]


Connecting the Dots

Authenticity, Relationships

Steve Jobs said, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” [continue reading…]


My Vision

Authenticity, Easing Into Quantum, Transformation

I have a vision of what I want to see: I want to see myself and each of us (everyone and everything) Being and expressing our Creative Intention (the gift The One gave us to develop and give to the Universe.)
My Creative Intention from Say & Sing Along To Prosperity (Disc 2)

(Through my own painful experiences, I discovered that many of us get hurt, hide and first condition ourselves prior to venturing out under a mask of pretend to assure we’re not hurt again. This mask, our conditioned self seems to work but it’s a lie. Others may not realize it, but we know it and without our realization it’s eating us up on the inside.) [continue reading…]


Creative Inquiry Intrigues Us


This is the second messaging excerpt (in an ongoing series) from the Transformative Studies Program offered by The Intelligent Optimist. (My post on Fears was the initial post in this ongoing series). For an interesting and varied selection of enlightening and eye-opening courses and events that are empowering and making differences in people’s lives, I invite you to review them on their website at The Optimist.

(This introduction of Creative Inquiry begins the conversation which follows the definition.) Creative Inquiry is one of the foundations of transformative studies, so let’s explore it here. What does it bring up for you? How do you imagine applying it in this course, in your lives and in your work? [continue reading…]


Anxiety Is A Silent Destroyer!

Authenticity, Relationships, Transformation

Anxiety is a silent destroyer that robs many of us of our peace, joy and eventually health and Love.

The good news: We can stop it in its tracks!

I’ll share the story of a friend (I’ll call Bob) to illustrate the damage and the resolution. Although Bob was a very friendly and sensitive man, extremely smart and skilled in his field, whenever he was questioned or challenged on a point, he froze. He feared that others would see him (just as he saw himself) as less than they were. [continue reading…]



Authenticity, Relationships, Transformation

To assist me in developing The Magic of Imagination to be the best I can do, I’m engaged in a year long transformation preparation, including a Transformative Studies program offered by The Intelligent Optimist. The course is focused on developing oneself to the next level and we course mates, are a close group, working and sharing our challenges, feelings, etc., together. [continue reading…]


We Are In This Dance of Transformation Together – Everyone & Everything!

Easing Into Quantum, Spirituality, Transformation

Life is truly amazing! Whatever we set our mind to, say ‘bring it on’ and we are brave enough to follow through, it happens! It’s long been demonstrated and accepted by a small but slowly growing group and this group’s growth is picking up speed as it grows.

Our consciousness transformation is similar to a butterfly’s transformation. The butterfly’s imaginal cells start off slow, gradually increasing speed until attaining critical mass, when speed increases exponentially in the butterfly’s transformation. The same processing cycle is occurring to our waves of consciousness. We started off slow and have been gradually increasing our size and speed of growth. And now, the science of quantum physics provides a scientific foundation for a timeless open secret: What we expect to occur – will. [continue reading…]


Strength, Joy and Love: The Benefits of Being Our Authentic Self!


We are social beings and whether we believe we’re good enough to fit in or that we not good enough and therefore condition ourselves to fit in directly affects whether we alienate from or accept our self as we are. In turn, this directly affects our mental well-being and has been recognized as a vital and crucial step in well-being and finding success, joy and happiness. [continue reading…]